Guardian Malaysia has joined forces with celebrity chefs to create two exclusive recipes for healthy cooking, to help Malaysians stay healthy throughout during Ramadhan, beginning in a week.

Master of Ceremony, Nazrudin Rahman also known as 'Naz'
These recipes created by MasterChef Malaysia Dr Ezani Farhana and Chef Zam, were unveiled today, at the Guardian Cookout Challenge, a contest organised to encourage healthy cooking.

Speaking at the event, held at Sunway Putra Mall, Ms. Christina Low, Marketing Director of Guardian Malaysia said: “For the Ramadhan season, we decided to focus on ways to help Malaysians and our customers prepare for the puasa month, so that they will stay healthy throughout. And we decided the best way to do this was to go back to basics! ”We believe healthy living starts with healthy cooking!" she added.

To help kick-start the effort, Guardian Malaysia enlisted the support of Dr Ezani and Chef Zam to create two exclusive recipes, using several ingredients from the shelves in Guardian stores.
La Gourment's Shogun Black Diamond Collection
In addition to the exclusive recipes, Guardian Malaysia also launched a loyalty programme, offering customers the opportunity to own a range of cookware that is especially suitable for healthy cooking.

Introduction of Shogun Black Diamond Collection by Ms Jean Yeap, Managing Director, La Gourmet. She also explained about how to choose right cookware.
This is the attractive and high quality La Gourmet’s Shogun Black Diamond Collection, which will be available exclusively through Guardian Malaysia for a period of time.

La Gourmet’s Shogun Black Diamond Collection
To redeem the range of cookware at special prices, customers need to: Make a minimum purchase RM30 with any of the 55 participating brands, or a minimum purchase of RM4O without a participating brand. The main partners for the programme are Bio-Essence, Brands, Garnier, L’Oréal and Maybelline.
This programme takes off on 6th June in Peninsular Malaysia stores, and on 15th June in stores in Sabah and Sarawak. The redemption ends on the 2nd August 2017.
Moroccon Chicken Tagine by Dr Ezani

The Moroccon Chicken Tangine recipe, click to large

Beef Briyani by Chef Zam
The Cookout Challenge
Cookout Challenge, the idea was to challenge Guardian Malaysia customers to come up with healthy meals which they could prepare for themselves and their friends and families during the puasa month.

At the Cookout the five teams of finalists selected through Guardian Malaysia‘s social media platform, were given the exciting challenge interpreting the recipes and cooking
them in their own unique style. They also had the opportunity to use the Shogun Black Diamond cookware to cook up their special editions.

The contestants given only 30 minutes to prepare both menu.

The foods had been ready by the contestants for judging process

The creators MasterChef Dr Ezani and Chef Zam, together with representatives from Bio-Essence, Brands and L’Oréal Paris invigilated the contest, judged the cooking and picked the winners.

The winning team of husband and wife took home the entire range of ShogunBlack Diamond Collection, worth RMl, 400, and RM500 worth in Guardian shopping vouchers!
The other four teams, each received RM200 worth of Guardian shopping vouchers. Guardian, as Malaysia’s leading pharmacy, health and beauty retailer, has made it a policy of empowering our Muslim customers by highlighting the importance of a healthy and balanced lifestyle throughout this period, through of activities such as this cookout.

For more information, please visit www.guardian.com .
All menus are so yummeh!