Melaka, 26 November 2016 - The iconic St. Pauls' Hill of Melaka will once again be hosting the annual Melaka Art and Performance Festival (MAPFest). Happening from Friday, 25 November to Sunday, 27 November 2016; 10 AM to 10 PM daily. 40 world class artists from 10 countries will showcase multi-art pieces such as contemporary dance, visual art, multimedia art painting and video art, just to name a few. Admission to all events and performances during the festival is free-of-charge.

Speech by YB Datuk Wira Dr. Abu Bakar bin Mohamad Diah, Deputy Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation of Malaysia

Festival Director Andrew Ching, Creative Director Tony Yap, YB Datuk Wira Dr. Abu Bakar bin Mohamad Diah, Deputy Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation of Malaysia with representative from MAMEE-Double Decker (M) Sdn Bhd as one of the main supporter of MAPFest 2016
Established in 2009 by Festival Director Andrew Ching and Creative Director Tony Yap, the festival celebrates its eighth installment and was officially opened by YB Datuk Wira Dr. Abu Bakar bin Mohamad Diah, Deputy Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation of Malaysia. "Art has a rich history and background that has driven humanity's development in various ways. Some might question the relativity between art and technology, but in reality, the relationship between these two is very much co-related. Understanding and incorporating arts in technology will further enhance creativity, creating the perfect opportunity to bring uniqueness to the work being produced".

All the MAPFest 2016 participants with YB Datuk Wira Dr. Abu Bakar bin Mohamad Diah, Deputy Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation of Malaysia
VIDEO: All the
MAPFest 2016 participants with YB Datuk Wira Dr. Abu Bakar bin Mohamad
Diah, Deputy Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation of Malaysia

Performers from Indonesia
MAPFest, a multi-award winning international art and performance art festival, is an annual event. Artists from Australia, France, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, India and the United States of America gather and perform at the UNESCO World Heritage Site to showcase their artistic works for free. This an initiative by the artists and the organiser to cultivate accessible art to the public.
MAPFest 2016 will be featuring various solo and collaborative performances over the 3-day festival. Main highlight include the MAPPING Programme, where performances are site-specific and performed at multiple locations within the vicinity of St. Paul's Hill; "Cerita Pendik", a two-hour solo or group performance by artists to showcase their individually unique art; and the finale, "Eulogy for the Living", is a two-hour collaborative performance by all festival artists, directed by Tony. Other festival activities being held include forums and workshops that are open for public participation for free.
VDEO: Ajak Kwai performed "Of Cows, Women and War" - (Ajak conjured a vivid picture of her Dinka heritage. Music is the vehicle for her stories of extraordinary life experiences as a refugee, exiled from her home and her family. Her moving tales of exile, hope, freedom, love, and cows - beloved animals od the Dinka).

Agung Gunawan (Indonesia) performed "You may say I'm a dreamer" - (Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and believe. Only fools believe that impossible things can happen. All that today is real was once only part of an impossible dream).

Rithaudin Abd Kadir (Malaysia) performed "Tajau" - (This is dance journey inspired by the traditional use of Tajay or giant vase by the Murut ethnic in Sabah. It has its own soul and spirit which mingles with the Rites of Passage of the ethnic themselves)

Kiea Kuan Nam performed "Sound of Himalaya" - (Close your eyes, may the hundreds years old Singing Bowls from Himalaya leading you to feel the peace of the night and the calmest mind)

Brendan Oconnor & Reuben Lewis performed "Sisypus Synthesis" - (Brendan and Reuben explores the myth of the eternal return and the potential of tranformation in repetition in the myth of Sisypus)

All the performers for Cerita Pendik on day 1.

mytravellicious is at MAPFEST 2016!
More info:
Website: www.melakafestival.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/melakaartandperformancefestival
Travel deliciously with mytravellicious!
#MapFest #MapFest2016 #Melaka #StPaulHill #MelakaArtAndPerformanceFestival #MelakaFestival
Travel deliciously with mytravellicious!
#MapFest #MapFest2016 #Melaka #StPaulHill #MelakaArtAndPerformanceFestival #MelakaFestival
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